We are proud to announce that JK-RISK (Jurnal Klinik dan Riset Kesehatan) of RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang is once again opening an opportunity for researchers, academics, and healthcare practitioners to submit articles for the Call for Papers for Volume 4 No 1, October 2024 edition.

JK-RISK is a nationally recognized journal aimed at advancing knowledge in the field of clinical and health research. We invite healthcare professionals, students, and researchers to contribute high-quality scientific articles in various aspects of health.

The topics that can be submitted include, but are not limited to:
• Surgery
• Forensic and Medico-legal
• Hematology
• Pediatric Health Sciences
• Ophthalmology
• Internal Medicine
• Cardiology and Vascular
• Emergency Medicine
• Dermatology and Venereology
• Clinical Microbiology
• Neurology
• Obstetrics and Gynecology
• Orthopedics and Traumatology
• Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
• Anatomic Pathology
• Clinical Pathology
• Psychiatry
• Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine
• Radiology
• Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery
• Urology
• Pharmacy
• Nutrition
• Nursing

Submission Guidelines:
1. The submitted articles must consist of original research results, relevant literature reviews, and case reports.
2. Ensure that your article is not published or under review in another journal.
3. The language used in the article is Indonesian and English (for abstract).
4. Authors are expected to follow the writing guidelines of JK-RISK, which can be found on our official website.
5. Articles should be submitted through the online system accessible at jk-risk.org.

Important Dates:
- Article submission deadline: September 2, 2024
- Journal publication: October 25, 2024

All articles will undergo a review process by leading experts in their respective fields. Each article will be evaluated based on quality, originality, research methodology, and contribution to knowledge in the field of health.

For authors whose articles are accepted for publication, we will send an official notification and provide further steps.

We invite all of you to participate in this Call for Papers and share the latest knowledge and research in the field of health. For more information, please contact us via email at jkrisk.rssa@gmail.com or visit the official website of JK-RISK (jk-risk.org).

Thank you for your attention and contribution to advancing research and health.